PakWheels Karachi Auto Show 2022

PakWheels Autoshows finally making a come back. Next stop is Karachi City. So get your rides ready and get them submitted on the following link with latest and proper pictures:

Important Note:
1. Only approved/selected vehicles will be permitted entry so please make an effort to upload latest and proper pictures
2. If your ride is approved you will receive a serial number via text msg or email
3. Smoke kits are strictly prohibited along with Burnouts and any sort of stunts which may harm the attendees and venue infra structure
4. Please follow COVID SOP’s to ensure safety for yourself and others
5. Please wait for PW teams response do not submit your ride multiple times


Events updated on this website are not organized by Events in Karachi, These are just listings updated on different platforms, Therefore Events in Karachi is not responsible for any mishaps, cancellations or any kind of problem with organizers..