• One after another two bomb blasts were reported near a Shopping mall in Hyderi around 7:30 pm. Police, Rangers & Law enforcement Agencies have cordoned off the area.

  • Reports say a powerful bomb was attached in a motorbike. Dead Bodies and Injured are shifted to Abbasi Shaheed Hospital.
  • President Asif Ali Zardari, Altaf Hussain, Nawaz Sharif, Governer Sindh have condemned the blasts.
  • Bomb Disposable Squad & Other Agencies are finding clues on bomb site.
  • Till now Reports tell us 8 died along with a 2 year child and more then 20 got injured.
  • Karachi on RED ALERT.
  • SSP Central Said it were 3 Bomb Blasts, 1 was of low intensity and two were powerful blasts which were heard till far areas.
  • According to Initial Reports they were Planted Bombs.