Barfi, one of Ranbir’s most awaited movie is all set to hit the theatres by September 14. The movie is a romantic comedy film directed by Anurag Basu and is set in the 1970s. The story of Barfee is about three characters played by Ranbir Kapoor, Priyanka Chopra and the Tollywood actor Ileana D’Cruz. It goes back in time through flashbacks and is set in Kolkata. Director Anurag Basu has given a new dimension to each character in the movie where Ranbir plays the role of a deaf-mute person from Nepal. Priyanka plays the role of a girl with autism and Ileana plays the role of the narrator who will be shown aging from a 19 year old girl to a 65 year old woman in the movie.
The trailer has no dialogues, only funny gestures that show Ranbir Kapoor in a new look, sporting a tiny golden plait and wearing drab sleeveless sweaters. On the other hand, Priyanka Chopra is seen in frocks and short hair. Kapoor has claimed that Barfi is about “enjoying life, giving happiness and feeling love”.

Talking about the promotion of the movie, since Ranbir is a youth icon and has a huge fan following on the Internet the marketing minds, who have worked overtime, have come up with a unique strategy to make Ranbir and his fans interact on the Internet by designing a YouTube application which enables his fans to instruct Barfi, Ranbir’s character in the movie, to do whatever they type in. You can make him angry, sad, romantic, get him drunk and even make him to blow kisses at you. When asked about the idea of this application Ranbir says ‘I simply loved this concept because it’s a new way to connect with my fans online. I am sure people will have an awesome time discovering the various moods and quirky styles of Barfi,’

Director: Anurag Basu
Producer: Siddharth Roy Kapur, Ronnie Screwvala
Music: Pritam Chakraborty
Main Cast: Ranbir Kapoor, Priyanka Chopra, Ileana D’Cruz, Aakash Khurana
Genre: Comedy, Romance, Social
Banner: UTV Motion Pictures, Ishana Movies
Release date: September 14, 2012

The trailer seems interesting and I really am looking forward to see this movie because the film is somewhat different than the typical Bollywood stories and has managed to catch all the hype of the town. Almost 2 weeks left till the movie releases make sure to make your bookings at the cinemas.
Eik wishes all the best to the team Barfi
