264913 1740031115099 1668314100 1312075 1604319 N1Haya Zia a new entry in 2011, Fashion world of Karachi, Is 24 years old born in 26th may 1988. Haya is full of life she loves to surf on internet, chat while she works at some private business.

Haya is basically a food lover she loves good food dinning is her hobby along with playing guitar even though she is still learning it. A person who loves guitar even loves to listen good music; Haya in her free time listens to soft music of her choice to feel fresh. Along with food-holic & a music lover Haya loves to travel.270452 1740132877643 1668314100 1312194 3830821 N

Haya is a kind person, who loves to help others she always had intended for benefits rather than260187 1740118957295 1668314100 1312176 1895174 N profit. Haya is a trustworthy person and cares a lot for her friends and family, a caring person is no doubt a loving person also. Loves make her emotional towards her mates along with these qualities she is a bit aggressive also.

When Haya was asked what your goal to be a model is, she replied Rise on Stars. She carries her attitude in a very friendly way with everyone and clients. She said I take good lessons from my seniors and learn every new point.
