As much as learning is an on going process, skills development follows the same trend. Nowadays, competition has been the hallmark in every corporate endeavour and to say the least, each product seeks for a competitive edge. �

The future employability depends largely on how an employee improves and perfect his skills during this period of continuing skill development and advancement. �

Skills are competencies expected to produce input for the organisation it intends to belong. �

Skill Up Reloaded is a program designed to empower and develop the workforce from managerial, business development and service department with skills, knowledge and qualifications. �

These skills can in turn help in increasing employee and customer satisfaction, productivity and eventually business performance.

Each person has qualities and skills that a good leader must learn to appreciate and allow them to prosper. As an employee continuously works on his skill, he tends to be more focused on improving his leadership skills; that will lead others to follow a path or a vision that would help an organisation to achieve his goal.

Join Toque’s one-day workshop Skill Up-Reloaded with Trainer Waqar Ali in Karachi on September 18 and Lahore on September 24.
Register today:

For details visitwww.theturningforce.comor call 0308-3386900


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