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Let’s say HELLO! To our stunning fashion model Ms. CELINA KHAN! In this article we will be writing “About her and her thoughts.” Hope you enjoy knowing her with this piece of words.

92411877 216321172978235 1807050748979052544 NCelina The most charming lady in the industry, who is 31 years old, pursuing her career from the age of 16 years in the field of media. This pretty lady worked in much extent of media as a model, a make-up artist and nothing but as designer too! (CRAZY-must say Celina you are one gem).

This stunner hobby is to listen to the music and travel around the globe, she loves to spend her spare time with her family and friend.

Our model star is quiet into work where she enjoys every bit of it, says, work doesn’t affect my sleep cycle because 92667562 214535063144592 6541367670074245120 N I love the thing I do and like to stay busy. She loves to take healthy diet along with the proportion of less oil, less sugar, less carbs and live well is her purpose. (well-well, we are glad our industry has a diva like you)

Celina became the part of industry when she was younger, in the age of 16, She did her first commercial of Ufone however, she enjoyed that and then tada! She made it her passion and turned it into a career.

92558997 358992648368460 3594749805546438656 NHer passion made her to do more of commercials for the well-known brands like Ufone, zeera plus, safeguard soap, Habib bank, national foods and so many… (amazed! How could you do so well without even joining a model school Celina! So versatile)

Celina is way to courageous that she can travel any time anywhere for the sake of good brands because her comfort come first though she is not open for bold shoots for the reason that she can not compromise her family norms over her career! She believes in quitting when things are not in her favor. (we are genuinely proud of you).

Celina talks about that if she gets a chance to change one thing about modelling industry is environment! Because it92242833 253883572452656 7876249965301858304 N takes a lot to adjust in that field, though! (Celina well! We agreed with your thought.)

Celina khan we had a good conversation with you, you are such an amazing girl on the screen and in person too.

Our glam lady being wishful to all the reader who takes out their time to read and know a little about her and being thankful to our website who wrote about her.

66111800 10161962593140593 8147378670739128320 NDear Celina khan! Team EIK are grateful to you because you gave your precious time to us. We would like to wish you all the success and never forget sky is your limit lady, keep going.
