As we mentioned earlier about the model turned actor Imran Abbas, is all set to make a debut film with Akshay Kumar – Anthony D’Souza’s latest project ‘Naam Hai Boss.’ Unfortunately Imran is no longer a part of the film because he has been turned down by the producers of the movie, although the reason for turning him down was not mentioned by the team. Imran was so busy working for the film that he did not even celebrate the Eid festive with his family and this surely is a big loss for Imran.

No official sources have yet revealed the reasons behind his termination but the word has it that violation of his contract lead to the bold decision of cutting him off. One source – though not official – says, “But Imran unknowingly auditioned for another project starring one of the big Khans. That irked the makers, who have been sponsoring Imran’s training, accommodation and other expenses all this while. That is why, citing breach of contract, Imran was dropped from the film.”

Arjun Kapoor and Ayushman Khurrana are being taken in consideration to replace Imran. This sure was the biggest project for Imran and his career so far. Imran immediately left for Pakistan after his dismissal and was not available for any comment regarding the mishap.
