This year seems to be one that had been ear-marked for high-profile Bollywood weddings. After Saif-Kareena tied the knot, rumour mills have it that Vidya Balan is ready to get hitched to Siddharth Roy Kapur, the CEO of UTV Disney. The couple took a long time to come out in public as Kapur was still in the process of getting the divorce process over with his second wife.

Sources that Siddharth and Vidya’s wedding was actually planned as early as February this year.

Siddharth has also taken four weeks off in December for the event. Vidya too will take a break from the shooting of Raj Kumar Gupta’s filmGhanchakkar.

Bollywood insiders say that after the wedding, the couple would go to Caribbean Islands for their honeymoon and would later move into Siddharth’s plush Juhu house that Vidya herself has decorated.

In May this year, Vidya had confessed about her relationship with Siddharth but had added that she was in no hurry to marry him.

“I don’t have any plans yet… and there is no engagement ring yet. It’s a while away and I am in no hurry. But it’s on my mind and there is a plan at some point. There is someone in my life,” Vidya had told.

The couple has been dating for past two years now.

The couple have been spotted together at many public events and private parties and have taken several vacations abroad. This will be Vidya’s first marriage while reports said that Siddharth was married earlier.
