THE EVENT: Me-O Wonder Cat Show 2017
Date: 26th November 2017.
Venue: Maritime Museum. Karsaz Road, Karachi.

Participant Investment:

Me-O Wonder Cat Show 2017 aims to create a more just and equitable relationship between humans and animals in Pakistan. We recognize that humans have a responsibility towards their environment and fellow species and aim to preserve and protect animal populations; their integrity, diversity. We also believe that the natural environment is a shared heritage for humankind and seek to create, promote and preserve ecologically sustainable relationships globally

COMPONENTS OF WonderCat show 2017 :
• Cutest Kitten Competition for all breeds.
• Talent & Health Competition for all breeds.
• Photography Competition
• Dress up Competition (Bring all dressing materials for your pet)
• Painting competition for Children (Bring Pencil, Color box & 1 Poster Paper) age Limit, 15 years.
• Free Vet Services
1. Consultation
2. Grooming
3. Petting
4. Adoption

Judges for all the activities will be invited from relevant to the field of veterinary to judge the performance of our participants and reward them subsequently ,encouraging them at same point so that they continue on their talents .

Type of ticket purchasing:

Early Bird: 500 Rs ( 15Oct- 30Oct)
Regular Ticket : 600 (30Oct- 15 Nov)
Late Registration: 700 (16Nov- 26 Nov)

Please fill in the registration form below. Our rider will deliver the tickets to your home once you register yourselves online through the attached form in description.

For Attendees:
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For Organizers:
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Team EiK
