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Session go badly? If yes, then this workshop is designed for you. The purpose of this session is to provide teachers with an opportunity to go through the entire process of lesson plan preparation, from the brainstorming stage to devising a completed lesson plan. Attendees will get a chance to discuss their ideas of lesson planning and actually write a lesson plan to discuss with the educators. This is an exclusive opportunity for teachers to get feedback directly from their peers and educators on their lesson plan.
To register click on the link given below:

Course Outline:
To make students aware of Scheme of Work and Lessons Planning
To introduce concept of S.M.A.R.T planning
Using S.M.A.R.T goals when planning lessons (activity)
Discussion around sample lessons and Scheme of Work
Introduce Aims and Objectives and the difference between them
Test if students can differentiate between Aims and Objectives (activity)
Benefits of lesson planning
Possible pitfalls of lesson planning
Discussion around different classroom arrangements
Planning resources prior to start of lesson
Linking assessment to learning outcomes (activity

Contact +92 336 2414370 or contact@eln.com.pk for further details.

For Attendees:
Events in Karachi does not take any responsibility for Postponing, cancelling or any mishap during the above event. The Above Content is copied from Facebook Events or is shared by User Request.

For Organizers:
We can only remove the above Note, as organizers show receipt of bookings or NOC to the website management.
You can take down the post by request to website management.
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Team EiK
