
Eco Model United Nations is a three-day simulation of the United Nations, reaching out to local as well as international delegates to come together and find the solution of environmental issues affecting our world on macro demographics. During the simulations and conferences, delegates will be urged to think creatively, negotiate and come up with solutions to environmental problem. We believe that constructive debate today can lead to solutions tomorrow. The communication and negotiation skills, the understanding of international environment as well as the importance of reaching a compromise are important and challenging skills that students should obtain before they start their careers.

EcoMUN aims to empower students from all over the world as they come together to discuss issues of international importance while also engaging in topics such as environmental pollution, economic development, capacity building, effects of nuclear weapons on environment and social progress.

EcoMUN is going to be the first ever Model United Nation Conference which is acknowledged by the United Nations, making it a huge platform for the youth of our generation.

This year’s conference will be simulating seven diversified committees which will be covering several global issues. – See more at:
