With over two million+ monthly listeners and concerts all over the country and internationally,@asimazharhas won our hearts a billion times. We pulled him for our upcoming show BOJACK on 17th December 2022 at MITE University, Karachi. We can’t wait for our audience to groove on all of our favourite songs of him.

Presenting Partner:@realmepakistanofficial
Venue Partner:@miteuniversity
Platinum Partner:@bkr.traders046
Ticketing Partner:@cartswing
Gold Sponsor:@car_care.pk
Marketed by:@regaldigitalm

Book Passes: https://cartswing.com/bojack-event-pass.html

Events updated on this website are not organized by Events in Karachi, These are just listings updated on different platforms, Therefore Events in Karachi is not responsible for any mishaps, cancellations or any kind of problem with organizers..