The “8th International Fire, Safety & Security Convention Pakistan : IFSSCP-2018” scheduled on October 18, 2018 at Karachi Marriott Hotel. The 8th IFSSCP-2018 is being organized by the National Forum for Environment and Health (NFEH) in association with the Fire Protection Association of Pakistan (FPAP) and APSAA after the successful organizations of Fire Safety & Security Conventions in years of 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 2015 2016 & 2017.

This year, the IFSSCP-2018 will be witnessing 250 Corporate Individuals; including Chairmen, CEOs, HoDs from HSE/EHS/SHE, Security and Administration Departments, Safety Consultants and Auditors, Safety & Security Equipment Distributors/Re-sellers, Academia and Media.

This is indeed a “Best Networking Platform” for exhibiting companies to interact at the Convention with industry mover-and-shakers; especially at the Glittering Ceremony of the “Safety Excellence AWARDS-2018” to be given in multiple disciplines; including equipping with and introducing latest technology tools and accessories in their organizations.

Best Regards

Engr. Nadeem Ashraf
Project Head

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