Beginning of a series of small scale Cons, culminating at . . . . . well wait and see.
Karachi Con 2015

This Con features:
-Skits competition
-Cosplay competition
-Product and Food stalls
-Comic Panels

Cash prizes and much more up for grabs. . . .
Passes: 300/= per person til 25th Sep, after 25th the passes are for 500/=

Our Ambassadors & Partner Student Council to contact for registrations:
Atrium GHQ for Saddar near-by Residents
SZABIST Student Council 0333-3257-553
Hamza 0334-222-1018 for DHA or near-by Residents
Zeerak 0323-822-9817 for Cannt or near-by Residents
Shahzaib 0332-3765-863 for Gulshan or near-by Residents

For Attendees:
Events in Karachi does not take any responsibility for Postponing, cancelling or any mishap during the above event. The Above Content is copied from Facebook Events or is shared by User Request.

For Organizers:
We can only remove the above Note, as organizers show receipt of bookings or NOC to the website management.
You can take down the post by request to website management.
Any changes in Content will also be entertained by the website management.

Team EiK
